
BestSinceDay0 : analysis

Bienvenidos! The team is reassembled and we are absolutely prepared for today's study. 

Our part-taker above shall be the focus of this study. The principal factor when analysing a person is observing the superficial - in this case the participant having named himself  "BestSinceDay0" is the superficial section.

This reveals subconscious desires. This person is clearly compensating for an insecurity within his personal life, whether that is sexual satisfaction or not. Let's not bring up that topic, we don't like that nitty gritty. 

Also, we do feel slightly offended by the gesture of promoting a subreddit - cause we aren't getting paid for it. But we also can't afford to photoshop it out... 

Let's delve deeper into the roots of Colombia... 

Our 'BestSinceDay0' humanoid also seems to be growing a moustache. With the recent finale of the TV Series 'Narcos, many teenagers have adopted a more Escobarian way of life. Merely observing his posture, and the way he holds the piece of paper - he appears to adopt the 'gangster' lifestyle. 

But why? This child has lived a comfortable life... pizza every friday. Movie Sundays. Wednesday mommy nipple play. TV influences people too much these days, and most certainly whilst growing up. 

It really screws with your neurons. 

But honestly, if you wish to seek a female companion in the near future, get a top notch shave.


Abicado_ : Analysis

We have returned as a team to continue analysing our voluntary participants. We have noticed a decrease in the amount of people applying, but that is the least of our concerns.

For now, lets delve straight into this peculiar study.

The picture above was sent by our participant - Abicado. She may seem like a completley normal femine person - based on apperance.

However, our years of expertise and training allow us to view beyond the superficial. Through the observation of minuscule detail we have uncovered the true identity of this being.

These results shocked us, and most likley will shock you.

Abicado is in fact a musician, the very well recognized Amy Winehouse. What a slut!
Or artists, there is a fine line between both. Let's just consider her a fantastic musican for the sake of argument.

Is this her daugher?

We are yet to recive Amy's DNA sample for a closer examination - but one it's done... oh boy...

@ unpsych


Empuc1a : Analysis

As a psychology team, we do not focus on race. Rather, we focus on the life and thought process of our participants. 

What became immediately apparent upon seeing this image was the black opaque square invading that poor kids facial features. We decided to question this... 

After hours of close examining  we arrived at a clear conclusion. These are an organised criminal group, the face has been covered in order avoid linking certain leaders to their employees. 

The fact that they are in such remote location, with only tourists and homeless people, made it further evident that they are on the run. 

The other PC is facing the ground in order to hide his facial features - further exemplifying this conclusion we made. 

Beyond crime and lifestyle, this fugitive oddly resembles the 'donkey' from the DreamWorks animation 'Shrek'. This can be witnessed through the collage we have formed above - using the latest software. 

There is no explanation behind this, it does provide an odd coincidence though. 

We all had a cup of gin, and laughed over this comparison. 

Anyways - the cops have been called. Run buddy, run... 

YouMustBeSilenced : Analysis

Today we present the results of this peculiar specimen.

The first aspect that really caught our attention was the blank stare, a usual symptom that soldiers from Afghanistan get. This can be caused by traumatic events, which affect the vortex part of the cerebellum... (etc.)

However, our innocent participant above has never engaged in such risky conditions. As he eventually revealed after hours of torturing  interviewing, there appears to be an addiction towards staring at underage children. He doesn't feel an attraction towards them - its merely the action of watching them that thrills him.

This Forrest Gump look-a-like was a thrill to examine, and most certainly whilst our team was wasted. That is the point in the examination process where we make the most discoveries.

Let's not question our professional ethics here... let us do our job.

As we mentioned above, his stare is identical to Forrest Gump's. Simply compare both images, and it becomes rather apparent.

Forrest Gump is an inspiration for all of us.

YouMustBeSilenced is not really, but you never know. He may grow up to join the army, and become a master ping pong kamikaze.



How to Submit your Photo or Selfie. (Link)

There is a few ways for you to submit your selfie in order to gain a Psychological response from our team.

It usually takes 2 hours for the response to be published - and you will be notified via your prefered social media.

If you dislike the response, or feel it's offensive - contact us below and we will delete it asap.


Via Reddit

Once a week, /r/maxmuno will make a public post inviting users to submit their photos.

You can also send a private message with a link to the image. Both ways work fine.

Via email

You can also send an email with your photo to - maxmunio@googlemail.com



EoinIsTheKing : New Analysis

We are once again reunited - due to the high demand. 
Here is our new participant - Sir Eoin 'the king'. The picture seems to reveal a certain ride at a park - most likely a carousel exemplifying the childlike nature of this individual. 
It appears he is also a loner - taking a selfie - whilst the seats in the background are empty, which sparked a resemblance amongst our team.

This resemblance to 'Tin Tin', the well recognised Belgium comic character, is almost shocking. 
Our team director dropped his old cup of coffee this morning having been informed of these results. 

The bold forehead is a shared trait between both beings, actually, the whole facial structure is identical - apart from the hair. 

Did Spielberg create the character based on Eoin? - it's possible. 

Tin Tin however is a highly popular figure, with many acquaintances and experiences around the globe. 
Eoin however - is just sitting at an empty carousel with shades on pretending to own his neighbourhood which he labels as 'hood'. 

Tin Tin is a role model for all of us, -   Eoin... not really. 



Killa-Byte : Analysis

Here is our new specimen, supposedly of 'Mexican' descent although could possibly be hiding his identity from the public eye.

Buddy, if you are trying to hide, avoid sending us pictures - this site is public.

Anyways, we still have to pay rent so we will proceed.

Back the focus, he appears to be working illegally for a wealthy family - or business. This can be drawn from the luxurious black furniture, and the TIVO under the TV - which is also a money sinkhole. Whilst at the very edge, a PlayStation - emphasising this doppelganger family.

'Keep on Rollin'... We are not certain as to what this sublime message can be expressing. It could signify the consumption of Marijuana - whilst also being a code message for 'on the run'.
You decide, as we did not major in literature - but psychology. (Got a C+)

Let not a number decide the accuracy of these studies -

Is 'Killa-Byte' hiding from something? Hiding from his self made monster?

He is  holding a suitcase, obviously he is stealing stuff. A thief - ready to hit the streets with his owners possesions - whilst they sleep unaware.

Oh well...



Iroxnoah: Analysis

Hello fellow audience, our team had the pleasure to work with one of Justin Timberlake's twins - we don't know how many he has... but a few we imagine.

Anyways, the resemblance IS striking. Here is a chance to observe and compare both photographs.

Anyways, back to the greyer reality. As opposed to his twin 'Justin',  Noah (aka IronxNoah) decides to use his time playing videogames. He is currently hoping to become world champion at Fifa, with a reward of £20,000. He rarley is able to reach first place and thus he finds himself running to his Twin's house - stealing certain rare flowers and drugs from his garden in order to pay for his endless subscription to Playstation.

So far he is #356th in the world at Fifa.

Good Luck Noah with your quest.

an_uncreative_name: Analysis

This participant oddly resembles Pocahontas, obviously the chin isn't as squared but that simply exemplifies femininity. Thus, more male presence in the future than Miss Poca - she's probably far too old to be alive really.

Obviously this is the digital recreation for a disney movie, the real Pocahontas was not alive when cameras existed.

The long strands of hair may have some significance in regard to her personality, maybe overcompensating for something? As a means of survival...?

We need to look further into this - if you could send us some DNA we could further test - that would be fantastic.

silvertricl0ps: New Analysis

Everyday, millions of patients from all over the globe come here to be analysed by our scientists.

This participant has been diagnosed with a vegetable syndrome, which originates from the over consumption of potato crisps. The chemicals will gradually expand and contract ones head and/or body adopting various shapes of vegetables.

a real potato for comparison

The picture above has captured Silvertricl0ps going through the 'Potato' stage in which case his skull resembles our most beloved European vegetable. Word of advice; Careful with potato hunters bud.

Hopefully potatos will loose value as they become artificially created, and then you will be able to roam the streets as a free man, something that we take for granted everyday.

IAMABaguetteAMA : New Analysis

This participant, a brand new case we have here at the lab after a 3 month vacation. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused, now we are back for good posting more frequently. 

Back to the main focus, Mrs World Hottie (we don't want to push it, she may be underage) is actually not that hot from the inside. It resembles the movie 'Careful what you Wish For' starring Nick Jonas - where Nick is manipulated by a beautiful woman (such as above) into having committed a crime. 

Well, Baguette here is one of those. The picture clearly was taken at a hospital/psychiatric, judging by the monotonous clean floors and lack of furniture all round. 

Have you seen 'American Psycho'? Well, that's Bale inside that picture disguised as a Baguette. 

Those eyes, if looked at in real life, could literally transfer Satan upon your neurons. Which is awful, but... people like Megan Fox or Tiffany Thompson are on highway there so... It's probably one massive rave featuring Biggie and Escobar's druuuugs. Not THAT bad, huh? 

It may have gone slightly off topic, but still relevant considering the spiritual impact IAMABaguetteAMA is currently going through. 

We wish her the best of luck, and remember, knifes are not frisbees.



awsomekitteh92 : Analysis

In Spain, we call this 'botellon'. You get a group of people, buy some drink and head to a park or the beach.

Now, this is slightly different. First off, there seems to be no 'group of people'. Second, there is only one drink in sight. In UK we call this alcholic on the streets, and in the US it's basically the Ghetto.

It appears that this pose was made in a few seconds, judging by the placement of the bags. His friend may have shouted something along the lines of; 'photooo!' and he proceeded to drop everything, grab a bottle and bend down. The dedication towards appearing 'gangster' in pictures is essential, he would take a bullet in order to appear badass.

Why is there so many benches you may ask?

Once, in a beautiful clear neighbourhood, families were able to roam around freely and sit observing the views overlooking the city. But as time progressed, it gradually deteriorated and now fear and terror overrule the town. People began smoking cigarettes and drinking, the children would eventually grow up the same way. The values were lost, and now, darkness and smoke fill these ghost towns.

workhardorhardlywork : Analysis

This participant reminds us of someone who is highly looked down upon, this does not mean that he should be treated the same way. 

Indeed, if you recognise this picture, you understand how obnoxious this species is. Regardless, just because one individual in that species behaves a certain way, it does not reflect the others within. 

The use of black further assimilates both individuals, thus, undoubtedly being from the same family tree. Our participant seems to be enjoying the scenery with a very forced pose, whilst our 'lambo' man relies on exterior materialistic objects in order to gain pleasure. 

This in itself differentiates their priorities.

Deep down, they are almost identical. Hair cut, eyebrows, nose shape... colour combinations. 

Damn, we did not know 'lambo' man frequented the /r/teenagers subreddit!

fritodelay123 : Analysis

Some people may argue the following comment is racist, but regardless, we believe this individual may be mexican.


The username of this individual is 'fritodelay...', now, it could easily be Spanish or Argentinian... Colombian? Not really, in Europe the Mexican stereotype is someone who is lazy. Our team does not agree with this statement, but that does not remove the fact that it is an actual stereotype that is currently used. "frito" can be linked to nachos and fajitas, whilst 'Delay' can be linked to this stereotype just discussed.

How come 'fritodelay' is dressed all black? Even his shoes and glasses, he clearly has a fine eye for details.

The only thing we could conclude 100% is he may be some sort of criminal. He appears to be in a concrete basement, maybe hidding from the 'Po-Po'.

Only ever leaving the premises late at night, or disguised as some other person. Maybe Jonah Hill? We don't know.

But by having posted this picture, he has just given away his identity.
Run, buddy. Run.

- unqualified psychologist

Vali- : Analysis

This is one of the most complicated visual theories I have written, as far as this 'professional' world renowned psychology website goes.

The first assumption our team made was the clear signs of a 'nerd' stereotypical girl, someone who maintains this status on the low key. This is indicated through the Legend of Zelda t-shirt and organized board of labels in the background. Lastly, the glasses ideally fit this status and thus cannot be ignored.

Now, good looks and a nerd personality are a great combo in this day and age. It's should be looked up on, this individual is a clear example of someone who knows what they want in life.

Through close-examining and using the second image she has attached as reference, we were able to evaluate other minuscule details with a high level of certainty.

The board in the background in fact reveals that she is residing illegally in some school. She has simply arranged some tables to form a bed, and placed a cotton blanket on top. No longer having to pay rent or food, and simply by locking the door, no one is able to uncover this alternate night life she leads.

Her unfazed smile suddenly appears evil. But who would have known that evil would serve as a role model, as this is a tradition carried on by her family over the centuries. A pest! Or a genius?

God-knows, the future shall decide.
But for now, the disguise of innocence shall continue it's course.

- unqualified psychologist


Valus_: analyisis

We, at the research lab in London, have experimented with various drugs over our lifetime. 
As a result, we can affirm this kid is stoned off his mind. 
The background is a composition of clouds, basically screaming, "high! high!". 
Have you heard the saying, 'as high as a cloud?' 
neither have we. 

The moose (shirt logo) is symbolical of Canada. 

This strange creature with wings on it's head is a moose. Never have we seen something as bizarre as this thing, why is it's nose so massive? 

Furthermore, the moose's smile and our participants are highly similar in appearance. This person may develop wings overtime.
The early stages of this are apparent although the location of the wings may be slightly offset. 

For whatever reason, most of our 'Reddit' participants are mixed breed. This is something we had expected, and thus we come prepared with all the relevant and professional info.

Jester_the_Fester: analyisis

This participant resembles one of the characters in the well established animated film; Ants.

There is a clear difference, the participant is clearly lying on a bed. As far as we know, ants do not own bed thus we can out rule the idea of a breed between human/ant (how the hell does that work?). 

The heavily gelled, streamed hairline suggests speed. The lack of air resistance allows this participant to jog at a fairly fast speed, however, this is wasted due to the Reddit hobby he part takes in which takes up the majority of the day.

His facial features suggest a life of pondering, which is highly contagious online. His stare looks through you, similar to that of the Mona Lisa. 

No matter where you look... where you hide... he is looking. But there is no threat, as he is pondering. Pondering about the existence of life. The existence of his alternate subterranean lifestyle. 

The various relationships, both insect and human. 
This causes confusion, and plenty of thought. 

(Da Vinci would be pondering this too)

Kooldudey60: Analyisis

We, at the lab, enjoy the occasionally chocolate every now and then. We are humbled and truly excited to announce we have found the grown-up Kinder 'kid'.

Taking away every young girls innocence with that Di-Caprio stare, confusion and concern as puberty hit-early from this simple packaging design. 

This marketing technique being effective, as the packaging would get crumpled and addicted girls from all over the globe would storm into stores just to glimpse at this ideal Nazi German figure of blue-eyes and blond hair that should overrule all other races. (Hitler's perspective does not represent ours.)

Now, suspicion has risen regarding how obesity has not affected this participant. Being given unlimited access to Kinder 'Schokolade', it is unknown how he has maintained his shape. 
(Is he an impostor?)

Upcoming program, 'How to stay thin eating 20 Kinder's a day" featuring Kinder Kid. 

Gra_pe: analyisis

At first, our team showed glances of confusion as we examined this unique picture.
We had never witnessed a crossbreed between broccoli and a human.

After thorough examining, including contact with our US correspondence lab, we managed to yield more accurate results.
This sample is a crossbreed between a 'pineapple' and a human. It seems like the US sure knows their vegetables, and thus we can confirm these similarities.

The 'auto-portrait' of our subject reveals a framed photograph of a flower in the background. This further emphasises the mixed-gene pool of his family, maybe being a photograph of his father/mother.

This Lilly may be a close family member, we don't know as they can't speak.
We are struggling to understand how a sexual relationship between a human/pineapple/Lilly can lead to the creation of a multi-genetic-vegtebietic human.

Meanwhile, we continue our pursuit of knowledge. Cases like this make us doubt how much we truly know about the universe.


Waroto: analyisis

This participant shows a lack of pussy.


It seems that we have been hacked, I'm unable to delete that so let's move forwards.

This specimen seems to be hooked to the whole "sk8 and die" lifestyle.
When asked to confront his college work he broke down and proceeded to draw illustrations for the following 5 hours. A diagram of the illustration is shown below;

This was of vast intrigue by the Psychology community and has been analysed worldwide by institutes and organisations.

BlingBling University published the following about this case; "what dis fam, he can't draw 'S' right faggot"

It seemed that no conclusions had been discovered and thus the case remaines closed.

If anyone from the "Psychology community in Reddit" is able to decipher was occurred in this case,it would be of huge significance towards the improvement of our generation and world.

SquishYam: Analyisis

In order to analyse this specimen, a great deal of focus has gone towards the interpretation of what is occurring on the image above.

This participant has shown a lack of interest towards the symmetry of his image. Not only that, there is a lack of symmetry on his face as he lifts up his glasses to revel the exotic piercing beam of his eyes. As only 33.8% of the population has blue eyes, this may be an evolutionary advantage for males seeking females.

Having had the president of endless countries discuss the issue of an imminent apocalypse in the near future, they have all agreed to the following; "if the world were to collapse, we would shoot SquishYam into space in order to preserve his genes"

Meanwhile, as he waits, his genes are in sleep mode and he spends his days on reddit just like the majority of the population in the world.

This is proved by my private laboratory, 95% of the human population is ADDICTED to sugar and reddit.

And 70% are hooked to sex whilst only 30% actually perform sex.

This make sense to scientists, you don't understand but they do.

*copyright research by Unqualified Psychologist

darkus552: analyisis

This participant lives inside a wooden cabin, this may have been root to a childhood psychological trauma.

As you may see in the diagram below...

It's an exact replica of the shed in the Disney story adaptation of "Winnie the Pooh". 
Various interviews were performed with the participant which explained the whole situation. 

He had been brought to a theme park (Disney Land) as a 12 year old. Whilst he enjoyed the presence of all his Disney characters one of the performers tripped on stage and the mask separated from the body and fell onto our subject. 
He perceived this as the death of his hero, Winnie-the-pooh. 

This issue remained hidden in his head for over 2 years, eventually being released after tripping over a pencil in his school. 

He ran out, at such high speed that no figure of authority was able to punch him out of the trance. 

A 22 year old woman parking her car saw the participant jumping over the fence at his school, she remarked; "it was like ant man, but he took 20 minutes to get over the fence"

He later admitted through reddit that he simply had been building "Winnie the Pooh's" house in order to connect with him spiritually and enter the realm of 2D animals that speak. 

So far... no one knows where he is located. 

Only pictures surface occasionally. 

goodnight-everybody: analyisis

This patient is a music fanatic, drifting towards a more underground grunge style.
The poster itself gives out that impression, definitely a fan of "Twenty One Pilots" which is of rock genre. Plus, they aren't world-wide recognised but she identifies with them, maybe the aspect of darkness and bohemian is what's appealing.

This right here is a hipster. This image is what the hipster values are all about, the underground bands and retro design of the room give that impression. The shirt is ideal as it camouflages the values of the patient, clearly not resorting to bragging which adds a feeling of honesty towards her character.

The clean haircut is symbolical of Satan. Satan would always be hidden behind something innocent looking. Furthermore, being a contrasting figure creates a stronger impact on civilisation.

Zimbardo (some psychologist)  mentioned upon hearing the results: "what is hipster? is hipster a demonic tendency?"

Zimbardo is NOT my cup of tea.

As a Reddit psychologist, I dislike other professors not knowing these terms. Shame on them.

So this patient seems to be suffering full blown hipstertitis.

HelloImSlade: analyisis

On this instance, the specimen is shown to be taking a picture with his father.
It is yet unknown as to why there is such a significant difference in hair length and/or thickness.

Scientists suggest that this may have been an act of rebellion by the descendant, having shaved his whole head as a sign of non-conformity and dominance amongst the family.

Overtime, the son decided to seek revenge upon his father who has caused him the unfortunate task of having to shave twice a day which leaves his skin very irritable.

It was later discovered that the picture above is a fake, being just a photograph of his dad printed on cardboard. His dad, at the time of the picture, was being abused and fed dog food until finally he did turn into a canine and has no recollection of what occurred.

He can no longer speak, and has been missing since being freed outside the police station.

Witness at the scene remarked: "he just kept running, and running... what an athlete!"

The son meanwhile remains at home, he is seeking a solution towards his hair issue and no charges where filed against him as there was no evidence that his father was a conscious being.

Study N1