
awsomekitteh92 : Analysis

In Spain, we call this 'botellon'. You get a group of people, buy some drink and head to a park or the beach.

Now, this is slightly different. First off, there seems to be no 'group of people'. Second, there is only one drink in sight. In UK we call this alcholic on the streets, and in the US it's basically the Ghetto.

It appears that this pose was made in a few seconds, judging by the placement of the bags. His friend may have shouted something along the lines of; 'photooo!' and he proceeded to drop everything, grab a bottle and bend down. The dedication towards appearing 'gangster' in pictures is essential, he would take a bullet in order to appear badass.

Why is there so many benches you may ask?

Once, in a beautiful clear neighbourhood, families were able to roam around freely and sit observing the views overlooking the city. But as time progressed, it gradually deteriorated and now fear and terror overrule the town. People began smoking cigarettes and drinking, the children would eventually grow up the same way. The values were lost, and now, darkness and smoke fill these ghost towns.