
fritodelay123 : Analysis

Some people may argue the following comment is racist, but regardless, we believe this individual may be mexican.


The username of this individual is 'fritodelay...', now, it could easily be Spanish or Argentinian... Colombian? Not really, in Europe the Mexican stereotype is someone who is lazy. Our team does not agree with this statement, but that does not remove the fact that it is an actual stereotype that is currently used. "frito" can be linked to nachos and fajitas, whilst 'Delay' can be linked to this stereotype just discussed.

How come 'fritodelay' is dressed all black? Even his shoes and glasses, he clearly has a fine eye for details.

The only thing we could conclude 100% is he may be some sort of criminal. He appears to be in a concrete basement, maybe hidding from the 'Po-Po'.

Only ever leaving the premises late at night, or disguised as some other person. Maybe Jonah Hill? We don't know.

But by having posted this picture, he has just given away his identity.
Run, buddy. Run.

- unqualified psychologist