
workhardorhardlywork : Analysis

This participant reminds us of someone who is highly looked down upon, this does not mean that he should be treated the same way. 

Indeed, if you recognise this picture, you understand how obnoxious this species is. Regardless, just because one individual in that species behaves a certain way, it does not reflect the others within. 

The use of black further assimilates both individuals, thus, undoubtedly being from the same family tree. Our participant seems to be enjoying the scenery with a very forced pose, whilst our 'lambo' man relies on exterior materialistic objects in order to gain pleasure. 

This in itself differentiates their priorities.

Deep down, they are almost identical. Hair cut, eyebrows, nose shape... colour combinations. 

Damn, we did not know 'lambo' man frequented the /r/teenagers subreddit!