
SquishYam: Analyisis

In order to analyse this specimen, a great deal of focus has gone towards the interpretation of what is occurring on the image above.

This participant has shown a lack of interest towards the symmetry of his image. Not only that, there is a lack of symmetry on his face as he lifts up his glasses to revel the exotic piercing beam of his eyes. As only 33.8% of the population has blue eyes, this may be an evolutionary advantage for males seeking females.

Having had the president of endless countries discuss the issue of an imminent apocalypse in the near future, they have all agreed to the following; "if the world were to collapse, we would shoot SquishYam into space in order to preserve his genes"

Meanwhile, as he waits, his genes are in sleep mode and he spends his days on reddit just like the majority of the population in the world.

This is proved by my private laboratory, 95% of the human population is ADDICTED to sugar and reddit.

And 70% are hooked to sex whilst only 30% actually perform sex.

This make sense to scientists, you don't understand but they do.

*copyright research by Unqualified Psychologist