
YouMustBeSilenced : Analysis

Today we present the results of this peculiar specimen.

The first aspect that really caught our attention was the blank stare, a usual symptom that soldiers from Afghanistan get. This can be caused by traumatic events, which affect the vortex part of the cerebellum... (etc.)

However, our innocent participant above has never engaged in such risky conditions. As he eventually revealed after hours of torturing  interviewing, there appears to be an addiction towards staring at underage children. He doesn't feel an attraction towards them - its merely the action of watching them that thrills him.

This Forrest Gump look-a-like was a thrill to examine, and most certainly whilst our team was wasted. That is the point in the examination process where we make the most discoveries.

Let's not question our professional ethics here... let us do our job.

As we mentioned above, his stare is identical to Forrest Gump's. Simply compare both images, and it becomes rather apparent.

Forrest Gump is an inspiration for all of us.

YouMustBeSilenced is not really, but you never know. He may grow up to join the army, and become a master ping pong kamikaze.
