
awsomekitteh92 : Analysis

In Spain, we call this 'botellon'. You get a group of people, buy some drink and head to a park or the beach.

Now, this is slightly different. First off, there seems to be no 'group of people'. Second, there is only one drink in sight. In UK we call this alcholic on the streets, and in the US it's basically the Ghetto.

It appears that this pose was made in a few seconds, judging by the placement of the bags. His friend may have shouted something along the lines of; 'photooo!' and he proceeded to drop everything, grab a bottle and bend down. The dedication towards appearing 'gangster' in pictures is essential, he would take a bullet in order to appear badass.

Why is there so many benches you may ask?

Once, in a beautiful clear neighbourhood, families were able to roam around freely and sit observing the views overlooking the city. But as time progressed, it gradually deteriorated and now fear and terror overrule the town. People began smoking cigarettes and drinking, the children would eventually grow up the same way. The values were lost, and now, darkness and smoke fill these ghost towns.

workhardorhardlywork : Analysis

This participant reminds us of someone who is highly looked down upon, this does not mean that he should be treated the same way. 

Indeed, if you recognise this picture, you understand how obnoxious this species is. Regardless, just because one individual in that species behaves a certain way, it does not reflect the others within. 

The use of black further assimilates both individuals, thus, undoubtedly being from the same family tree. Our participant seems to be enjoying the scenery with a very forced pose, whilst our 'lambo' man relies on exterior materialistic objects in order to gain pleasure. 

This in itself differentiates their priorities.

Deep down, they are almost identical. Hair cut, eyebrows, nose shape... colour combinations. 

Damn, we did not know 'lambo' man frequented the /r/teenagers subreddit!

fritodelay123 : Analysis

Some people may argue the following comment is racist, but regardless, we believe this individual may be mexican.


The username of this individual is 'fritodelay...', now, it could easily be Spanish or Argentinian... Colombian? Not really, in Europe the Mexican stereotype is someone who is lazy. Our team does not agree with this statement, but that does not remove the fact that it is an actual stereotype that is currently used. "frito" can be linked to nachos and fajitas, whilst 'Delay' can be linked to this stereotype just discussed.

How come 'fritodelay' is dressed all black? Even his shoes and glasses, he clearly has a fine eye for details.

The only thing we could conclude 100% is he may be some sort of criminal. He appears to be in a concrete basement, maybe hidding from the 'Po-Po'.

Only ever leaving the premises late at night, or disguised as some other person. Maybe Jonah Hill? We don't know.

But by having posted this picture, he has just given away his identity.
Run, buddy. Run.

- unqualified psychologist

Vali- : Analysis

This is one of the most complicated visual theories I have written, as far as this 'professional' world renowned psychology website goes.

The first assumption our team made was the clear signs of a 'nerd' stereotypical girl, someone who maintains this status on the low key. This is indicated through the Legend of Zelda t-shirt and organized board of labels in the background. Lastly, the glasses ideally fit this status and thus cannot be ignored.

Now, good looks and a nerd personality are a great combo in this day and age. It's should be looked up on, this individual is a clear example of someone who knows what they want in life.

Through close-examining and using the second image she has attached as reference, we were able to evaluate other minuscule details with a high level of certainty.

The board in the background in fact reveals that she is residing illegally in some school. She has simply arranged some tables to form a bed, and placed a cotton blanket on top. No longer having to pay rent or food, and simply by locking the door, no one is able to uncover this alternate night life she leads.

Her unfazed smile suddenly appears evil. But who would have known that evil would serve as a role model, as this is a tradition carried on by her family over the centuries. A pest! Or a genius?

God-knows, the future shall decide.
But for now, the disguise of innocence shall continue it's course.

- unqualified psychologist