
BestSinceDay0 : analysis

Bienvenidos! The team is reassembled and we are absolutely prepared for today's study. 

Our part-taker above shall be the focus of this study. The principal factor when analysing a person is observing the superficial - in this case the participant having named himself  "BestSinceDay0" is the superficial section.

This reveals subconscious desires. This person is clearly compensating for an insecurity within his personal life, whether that is sexual satisfaction or not. Let's not bring up that topic, we don't like that nitty gritty. 

Also, we do feel slightly offended by the gesture of promoting a subreddit - cause we aren't getting paid for it. But we also can't afford to photoshop it out... 

Let's delve deeper into the roots of Colombia... 

Our 'BestSinceDay0' humanoid also seems to be growing a moustache. With the recent finale of the TV Series 'Narcos, many teenagers have adopted a more Escobarian way of life. Merely observing his posture, and the way he holds the piece of paper - he appears to adopt the 'gangster' lifestyle. 

But why? This child has lived a comfortable life... pizza every friday. Movie Sundays. Wednesday mommy nipple play. TV influences people too much these days, and most certainly whilst growing up. 

It really screws with your neurons. 

But honestly, if you wish to seek a female companion in the near future, get a top notch shave.


Abicado_ : Analysis

We have returned as a team to continue analysing our voluntary participants. We have noticed a decrease in the amount of people applying, but that is the least of our concerns.

For now, lets delve straight into this peculiar study.

The picture above was sent by our participant - Abicado. She may seem like a completley normal femine person - based on apperance.

However, our years of expertise and training allow us to view beyond the superficial. Through the observation of minuscule detail we have uncovered the true identity of this being.

These results shocked us, and most likley will shock you.

Abicado is in fact a musician, the very well recognized Amy Winehouse. What a slut!
Or artists, there is a fine line between both. Let's just consider her a fantastic musican for the sake of argument.

Is this her daugher?

We are yet to recive Amy's DNA sample for a closer examination - but one it's done... oh boy...

@ unpsych


Empuc1a : Analysis

As a psychology team, we do not focus on race. Rather, we focus on the life and thought process of our participants. 

What became immediately apparent upon seeing this image was the black opaque square invading that poor kids facial features. We decided to question this... 

After hours of close examining  we arrived at a clear conclusion. These are an organised criminal group, the face has been covered in order avoid linking certain leaders to their employees. 

The fact that they are in such remote location, with only tourists and homeless people, made it further evident that they are on the run. 

The other PC is facing the ground in order to hide his facial features - further exemplifying this conclusion we made. 

Beyond crime and lifestyle, this fugitive oddly resembles the 'donkey' from the DreamWorks animation 'Shrek'. This can be witnessed through the collage we have formed above - using the latest software. 

There is no explanation behind this, it does provide an odd coincidence though. 

We all had a cup of gin, and laughed over this comparison. 

Anyways - the cops have been called. Run buddy, run... 

YouMustBeSilenced : Analysis

Today we present the results of this peculiar specimen.

The first aspect that really caught our attention was the blank stare, a usual symptom that soldiers from Afghanistan get. This can be caused by traumatic events, which affect the vortex part of the cerebellum... (etc.)

However, our innocent participant above has never engaged in such risky conditions. As he eventually revealed after hours of torturing  interviewing, there appears to be an addiction towards staring at underage children. He doesn't feel an attraction towards them - its merely the action of watching them that thrills him.

This Forrest Gump look-a-like was a thrill to examine, and most certainly whilst our team was wasted. That is the point in the examination process where we make the most discoveries.

Let's not question our professional ethics here... let us do our job.

As we mentioned above, his stare is identical to Forrest Gump's. Simply compare both images, and it becomes rather apparent.

Forrest Gump is an inspiration for all of us.

YouMustBeSilenced is not really, but you never know. He may grow up to join the army, and become a master ping pong kamikaze.



How to Submit your Photo or Selfie. (Link)

There is a few ways for you to submit your selfie in order to gain a Psychological response from our team.

It usually takes 2 hours for the response to be published - and you will be notified via your prefered social media.

If you dislike the response, or feel it's offensive - contact us below and we will delete it asap.


Via Reddit

Once a week, /r/maxmuno will make a public post inviting users to submit their photos.

You can also send a private message with a link to the image. Both ways work fine.

Via email

You can also send an email with your photo to - maxmunio@googlemail.com
