
Waroto: analyisis

This participant shows a lack of pussy.


It seems that we have been hacked, I'm unable to delete that so let's move forwards.

This specimen seems to be hooked to the whole "sk8 and die" lifestyle.
When asked to confront his college work he broke down and proceeded to draw illustrations for the following 5 hours. A diagram of the illustration is shown below;

This was of vast intrigue by the Psychology community and has been analysed worldwide by institutes and organisations.

BlingBling University published the following about this case; "what dis fam, he can't draw 'S' right faggot"

It seemed that no conclusions had been discovered and thus the case remaines closed.

If anyone from the "Psychology community in Reddit" is able to decipher was occurred in this case,it would be of huge significance towards the improvement of our generation and world.

SquishYam: Analyisis

In order to analyse this specimen, a great deal of focus has gone towards the interpretation of what is occurring on the image above.

This participant has shown a lack of interest towards the symmetry of his image. Not only that, there is a lack of symmetry on his face as he lifts up his glasses to revel the exotic piercing beam of his eyes. As only 33.8% of the population has blue eyes, this may be an evolutionary advantage for males seeking females.

Having had the president of endless countries discuss the issue of an imminent apocalypse in the near future, they have all agreed to the following; "if the world were to collapse, we would shoot SquishYam into space in order to preserve his genes"

Meanwhile, as he waits, his genes are in sleep mode and he spends his days on reddit just like the majority of the population in the world.

This is proved by my private laboratory, 95% of the human population is ADDICTED to sugar and reddit.

And 70% are hooked to sex whilst only 30% actually perform sex.

This make sense to scientists, you don't understand but they do.

*copyright research by Unqualified Psychologist

darkus552: analyisis

This participant lives inside a wooden cabin, this may have been root to a childhood psychological trauma.

As you may see in the diagram below...

It's an exact replica of the shed in the Disney story adaptation of "Winnie the Pooh". 
Various interviews were performed with the participant which explained the whole situation. 

He had been brought to a theme park (Disney Land) as a 12 year old. Whilst he enjoyed the presence of all his Disney characters one of the performers tripped on stage and the mask separated from the body and fell onto our subject. 
He perceived this as the death of his hero, Winnie-the-pooh. 

This issue remained hidden in his head for over 2 years, eventually being released after tripping over a pencil in his school. 

He ran out, at such high speed that no figure of authority was able to punch him out of the trance. 

A 22 year old woman parking her car saw the participant jumping over the fence at his school, she remarked; "it was like ant man, but he took 20 minutes to get over the fence"

He later admitted through reddit that he simply had been building "Winnie the Pooh's" house in order to connect with him spiritually and enter the realm of 2D animals that speak. 

So far... no one knows where he is located. 

Only pictures surface occasionally. 

goodnight-everybody: analyisis

This patient is a music fanatic, drifting towards a more underground grunge style.
The poster itself gives out that impression, definitely a fan of "Twenty One Pilots" which is of rock genre. Plus, they aren't world-wide recognised but she identifies with them, maybe the aspect of darkness and bohemian is what's appealing.

This right here is a hipster. This image is what the hipster values are all about, the underground bands and retro design of the room give that impression. The shirt is ideal as it camouflages the values of the patient, clearly not resorting to bragging which adds a feeling of honesty towards her character.

The clean haircut is symbolical of Satan. Satan would always be hidden behind something innocent looking. Furthermore, being a contrasting figure creates a stronger impact on civilisation.

Zimbardo (some psychologist)  mentioned upon hearing the results: "what is hipster? is hipster a demonic tendency?"

Zimbardo is NOT my cup of tea.

As a Reddit psychologist, I dislike other professors not knowing these terms. Shame on them.

So this patient seems to be suffering full blown hipstertitis.

HelloImSlade: analyisis

On this instance, the specimen is shown to be taking a picture with his father.
It is yet unknown as to why there is such a significant difference in hair length and/or thickness.

Scientists suggest that this may have been an act of rebellion by the descendant, having shaved his whole head as a sign of non-conformity and dominance amongst the family.

Overtime, the son decided to seek revenge upon his father who has caused him the unfortunate task of having to shave twice a day which leaves his skin very irritable.

It was later discovered that the picture above is a fake, being just a photograph of his dad printed on cardboard. His dad, at the time of the picture, was being abused and fed dog food until finally he did turn into a canine and has no recollection of what occurred.

He can no longer speak, and has been missing since being freed outside the police station.

Witness at the scene remarked: "he just kept running, and running... what an athlete!"

The son meanwhile remains at home, he is seeking a solution towards his hair issue and no charges where filed against him as there was no evidence that his father was a conscious being.

Study N1